Date of loss Lost Item Quantity Place of loss
2025/02/11 帽子 1 碰碰船
2025/02/10 帽子 1 海洋劇場
2025/02/10 圍巾 1 海洋探索館
2025/02/09 水壺 1 海洋村
2025/02/09 奶嘴 1 海洋探索館
2025/02/09 摺疊傘 1 水晶劇場
2025/02/08 磁扣 1 海洋探索館
2025/02/08 證件 1 海洋探索館
2025/02/08 褲子 1 海洋村
2025/02/08 拖鞋 1 海洋村
2025/02/07 公仔 1 海洋劇場
2025/02/06 杯套 1 海洋探索館
2025/02/06 帽子 1 海洋探索館
2025/02/05 水壺 1 海洋劇場
2025/02/04 小皮夾 1 海洋劇場
2025/02/04 包包 1 海洋嘉年華
2025/02/03 帽子 1 鬼塔
2025/02/03 墨鏡 1 海洋探索館
2025/02/03 袋子 1 海洋村
2025/02/03 帽子 1 歡樂大街

※When claiming your lost item at Lost and Found, please note:

  1. 1. Visitors when claiming your lost item must be able to prove that the item belongs to you.
  2. 2. The person claiming the lost item must be the owner of the item to proceed with the claiming.
  3. 3. In the case if the lost item being a valuable or a stock certificate, the owner must be present to claim the lost item in person.
  4. 4. The owner of the lost item is required to go through the claiming procedures before the expiry date within the announcement period (within six months after the item has been found). If the item is not claimed within the time limit, the lost item will be processed by the Company according to civil law.
  5. To claim your lost item, please visit the Farglory Ocean Park Service Center. If the lost item needs to be mailed, the delivery cost must be borne by the owner.

Contact Customer Service:0800-801-123

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